Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Fairyland Trail in Bryce Canyon National Park

On September 24, we set out on a 8 mile adventure around the area of Bryce Canyon called "FairyLand".  We invited our friends, the Browns, and had an unforgettable day! 

Dennis by "T-Rex With No Arms"  (just kidding, I don't know what it was called) 
Walking toward "The Colosseum"

Quality time for father and daughter, right?!

The girls on the trip: Cori, Holly, Abbie, Tony

Luke walked some of the way but needed an occasional ride!

We had beautiful weather and totally incredible views!!!

Nate out on a ledge

Dennis is going to try it too!

I think this one is called "Fairy Queen Castle"

The older boys on the trip: Dalton, Dennis and Nathan

Little brother, big brother

All the boys...except Luke

Nick stands by  "Wedding Cake"
taking a break in the shade

Nick...feeling free and brave!

We found this cool crevice that could be easily accessed in the back.   Everyone wanted their  picture!

A distant shot of "Tower Bridge"
Nate left the trail and climbed up to "Tower Bridge".  Against the rules, but makes an awesome picture!

Nick looking through "Doughnut Hole"

Goofing off while we take another water break

Luke and Dennis

Almost done!  

We made it!   Tony and Abbie relax at the end of the loop

Dennis was filming as he finished the loop, Lee jumped out from behind a tree to tease him.  

We relaxed at Ruby's Inn after an unforgettable day hiking Bryce Canyon!