Thursday, June 9, 2011

Kodachrome State Park and Bryce Canyon- Spring Break, April 2011

Abbie pushing a boulder back into place!

cool rock formations along the Angels Palace Trail

Nathan on a ledge, Angel's Palace in the background

Nicholas, Abbie and Nathan

Enjoying dinner at our campsite

Gotta roast marshmellows, right?

Nathan is a roasting pro

Lee is pretty good, too!

We drove to Bryce hoping to hike, but it got snowed on the night before and was freezing cold.

the kids enjoying the lookout point

waking up in the tent the next morning

A day at Hogle Zoo

Nicholas and Luke start their day at the Zoo with a little train ride.

Baby and mother elephants

This beautiful leopard was pacing back and forth in front of the glass window when I snapped this shot.

Arctic Linx sleeping

Luke and Nicholas take a break by riding the Conservation Carousel.

A few minutes after I took this picture, this alligator slide into his pond of  water.




Nick and Luke share a cotton candy treat.

Rhinos look like dinosaurs!

Nick and Luke climb a metal dinosaur at the Zoo.

Our day is done!

Nathan's Deer '09 and '10

In 2009 I shot my deer during the rifle hunt with a .270 from about 150 yards above Cedar, and in 2010 I shot my deer with a bow from 30 yards on Mt. Dutton.  Both were little 2 points.

Nathan's Cow Elk

I shot this during the late cow hunt last December with a .270 from 340 yards.  It was a perfect shot.

Nathan's Eagle Scout Archery Range

I've been working on this for almost a year and now I'm almost finished.  It's going to be awesome.


This is the huge water tank up on West Mountain that we try to ride to.

Abbie makes it to the top!

Nathan took Luke on the 4 Wheeler because Luke is too young to try this!

Our neighbor boy came with us!