Monday, September 12, 2011

Dennis, our German foreign exchange student

Nick, Dennis and Abbie going on a 4-wheeler ride

Dennis loves soccer and has played many years in Germany so I told him he could coach Nick's city league team and I would be his assistant coach!  We've had tons of fun!

action shot of Nick! 

Our awesome team!  The city Recreation Dept.  gave us the name "Lightning" for our team, so we translated that to German so we call ourselves "Blitz und Donner"!

One night Dennis made us his favorite German meal:  Spatzle and Snitchzel  (Homemade noodles with breaded pork in a special sauce!  
He is a serious cook! 

Breaded pork ready to fry

recipe from home!

Stir that Spatzle, Dennis!!

Spatzle batter going into boiling water

spatzle maker (Dennis brought it to us as a gift!)


Lee loves it!  We all did!  Thanks Dennis!

The next night, we cooked Dennis an all American burger on the grill!

Lee took Nathan and Dennis and Nick on the bow hunt. 

Nathan in the trees, trying to think like a buck.

Nathan, Nick and Dennis hiking through the brush

Finally, they saw a few little bucks, but didn't get a shot.

This is in the van while we were driving back from Maple Grove.  Lee held the camera up and snapped a shot.  Dennis has been so much fun!  We love this kid...he is so easy to be around and adds a great feeling to our home!    More pictures to come!