Monday, July 25, 2011

Our house

dining room

Abbie's room

living room downstairs

Lee and Holly's room

Nicholas and Luke's room

Nathan's room

main bathroom (oops...I can't get it to turn right side up)

front porch

front room (sorry it's sideways)

guest room, soon to be Dennis' room (our German exchange student)

downstairs living room

front room

Our extended family

Lee's brother, Eric and his family (2 girls and 1 boy).  This is Lee's only sibling, so there are just these 3 cousins on the Woolsey side of the family.

Abbie with Grandma Woolsey (Lee's mother)

My sister Jennifer and family (they live in Japan)

Another picture of  Jennifer's family (3 boys and 1 girl)
This is my sister in law, my mom and me as we hiked in Kodachrome Basin 2 summers ago.

My brother Brad and his family (4 boys!)

My brother Chris and his family (3 boys)
My brother Neal and his family (3 girls)
This is the Jeppson family last summer.  Only my sister Jennifer and her family weren't able to be present because they live in Japan.

The Jeppson family.  My mom and dad are in the middle in white shirts.

Some of the Jeppson cousins last summer (there's 18 in all,  the oldest being 15, the youngest being 9 months old!).  We had 3 days of fun together at our house in Richfield and called it Cousin Camp!  On the clothes line behind the kids are shirts that we tie-dyed for the occasion.

Sunday afternoon in the backyard

looking into the backyard from the east side yard

east side walkway to the front yard

patio in backyard

flower gardens in the backyard

Nicholas searches for the first ripe raspberries of the season

Dad and the boys in the vegetable garden

My 3 cute sons: Nathan, Luke and Nicholas

our beloved dog, Casey, who still smells of skunk after 3 weeks and several special baths!

Lee goofing off!

Lee and Luke enjoying the evening

Nathan loves to shoot his bow in the backyard on peaceful evenings.  He's fine tuning his skills for the August hunt!

My handsome husband, Lee, who provides all this for us!