Thursday, August 18, 2011

Dennis arrives in Utah!

We are at the airport waiting for Dennis! 

Illegal Photo in Denver.  Who knew you couldn't take a picture of your own luggage!

We meet!!!

One of our first meals with Dennis...spaghetti, breadsticks and watermelon. 

On the third evening, Dennis told us he had some presents for us.  He gave Lee and me a customized apron that said
 "Holly and Lee,  German Cooking Chiefs"

He gave Abbie a pink hat, perfume, a purse that says "Stuttgart" and a German/English translator!

Nick got an awesome soccer club shirt and a hat from the best soccer club in the world and a Lego toy!

Dennis gave Nathan a soccer hat and an awesome shirt from Germany!

Luke got a cool hat with the Germany Flag on it, colored tub tablets, a Lego farm tractor, and Play Mobile figures!

Then Dennis dumped out a bag of special German candy...yum!

SCHMEGGA LAU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


We all sat out in the yard and talked and played until dark. 

1 comment:

  1. What a fun day! Is that your new dining room? Pretty yellow walls and amazing windows!! Your an artist, holly, inside and outside. Your gardens look so pretty too!
