Monday, August 1, 2011

Twitchell Family Reunion in Freemont

This is us at Deep Creek Lake, we rode our four-wheelers from the cabin, where the reunion took place, all the way up a winding trail to get here.

This is Luke eating Cheetos while watching us play in the lake.

This is me on an old tree stump we found.

Here's Nathan fishing.

Here's my mom enjoying the warm sun.

Me, Nick and Luke walked out on this log we found in one of the swampy parts of the lake.

This is me holding one of the big toads I caught in a swamp under a log.

Here's another toad before we caught it.

Here I am holding the biggest one in my dirty hands, I named her Lily.

These are the two biggest toads out of the three me and my mom caught.

This is us enjoying our time in toad heaven while the boys were on the other side of the lake, fishing.

Now they're on our side.

My mom helping Luke catch one of the toads.

Luke fell asleep on the ride home so dad had to hold him up.

Back at camp, we had a shooting contest with all the cousins.  Dad showing me how to shoot the pistol.

We found a horny toad and Nick had fun holding it.

Luke got to shoot too!

This is the men shooting rifles, Nathan got first place.

My dad, Nathan, and my uncle Scott.

Nathan, shooting his final bullet, make it count.

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